Yazıcı Webinar Series, Part I:

What is Force Majeure and How Does it Affect Construction Contracts in the Wake of Covid-19?

Date: 28 May 2020, Thursday

Start Time: 16:00 Turkish Time ( GMT + 3)

Duration: 1,5 hours

While we continue to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic amid crashed markets and overwhelmed healthcare systems, the global crisis continues to take a toll on businesses and performance of contracts. In this free live Webinar, which will be the first of Yazıcı Attorney Partnership’s Webinar Series, our guests are leading experts Jonathan Hosie of the Construction & Engineering Group of Mayer Brown LLP (London) and Alexander Hickey QC of 4 Pump Court (London).

We will discuss the Force Majeure concept in general and then focus on specifics of Force Majeure and similar concepts in construction contracts including FIDIC, with a view to shed light on the popular questions surrounding COVID-19’s impacts.

This Webinar requires registration and participation is limited, so please do register as soon as possible. Link to the Webinar will be shared with participants via e-mail, in advance of the Webinar.

Thank you very much for your interest in our Webinar.

Due to the huge turnout, we have reached the participant limit in this Webinar and therefore registration is no longer available as of 13:00 PM Turkish time. We will keep you updated on the other Parts of our Webinar Series.

Looking forward to seeing you in our next Webinar.

Yazıcı Attorney Partnership

Webinar’ımıza gösterdiğiniz ilgi için çok teşekkür ederiz.

Yoğun ilgiden dolayı kontenjanımız dolmuş ve Webinar kayıtlarımız Türkiye Saati ile 13:00 itibariyle kapanmıştır. Webinar Serimizin diğer kısımları için sizleri ayrıca bilgilendireceğiz.

Bir sonraki Webinar’ımızda görüşmek üzere,

Yazıcı Avukatlık Ortaklığı